Why Do I Have So Many Food Sensitivities? A Look At Nervous System Dysregulation

If there’s one part of our health journey that has left us scratching our heads more than anything else, it’s food sensitivities. And guess what? We’re not alone.

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Co-Regulation in Relationships: Strategies for Adults

If you’re just getting started on your nervous system healing journey, you may have seen the term ‘co-regulation’ tossed around. And you’ve likely got questions. Like ‘What exactly

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The Safe and Sound Protocol: Music-Based Therapy for Nervous System Dysregulation

Is it just me or is everything too much these days? Sometimes I wish I could just rewind back to 1995. Between work, social media, chronic health issues

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Heal Your Nervous System with Dr. Linnea Passaler

Working out how to get started on your journey back to nervous system regulation shouldn’t be something that leaves you feeling even more, well, dysregulated. A great starting

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Co Regulation: Strategies for Parents and Children

Parenthood is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs. One moment it’s snuggles and making cookies, the next it’s grocery store tantrums and the relentless ‘Are we

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Do I Have A Dysregulated Nervous System?

If you’ve landed here, you’re likely seeking answers to persistent unpleasant symptoms, or maybe you just have that relentless nagging feeling that something isn’t right. You KNOW you

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Mindfulness for the Nervous System: A Beginner’s Guide

In a world that prioritizes work over rest, empty calories, and social media, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. Our

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Apollo Neuro Review: My Final Verdict After 6,789 Hours of Use

Apollo Neuro is a godsend in the form of a wearable device. It claims to reduce stress and boost your mood all without invasive interventions – and it

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Finding Presence in Creativity: Mindfulness Coloring Pages, Tracing for Mindfulness and More

In today’s burnout culture, finding moments of peace can feel challenging. If your life is feeling like an endless stream of notifications, deadlines, and a never-ending mountain of

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Attachment Style Isn’t Destiny: Relationship Patterns and Nervous System Regulation

Ever wondered why you consistently react a certain way in relationships? Maybe you’ve started to notice patterns that seem to follow you from one relationship to the next.

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