Co-Regulation in Relationships: Strategies for Adults

If you’re just getting started on your nervous system healing journey, you may have seen the term ‘co-regulation’ tossed around. And you’ve likely got questions. Like ‘What exactly

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Co Regulation: Strategies for Parents and Children

Parenthood is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs. One moment it’s snuggles and making cookies, the next it’s grocery store tantrums and the relentless ‘Are we

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Attachment Style Isn’t Destiny: Relationship Patterns and Nervous System Regulation

Ever wondered why you consistently react a certain way in relationships? Maybe you’ve started to notice patterns that seem to follow you from one relationship to the next.

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Nervous System Healing in Relationships: Co-Regulation and Other Strategies

Our nervous system is a complex network that influences every aspect of our being, including our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.[*] While most of us recognize that our nervous

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Healing the Inner Child Wound: How To Reparent Yourself

Life’s journey often carries echoes of the past, and for those grappling with trauma, distress, and nervous system dysregulation, these echoes can become deafening. These echoes often trace

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