The human brain is an incredibly intricate and powerful organ, capable of learning, adapting, and reprogramming itself. This amazing ability to rewire neural pathways forms the basis of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). DNRS is a revolutionary therapy that harnesses the power of neuroplasticity to bring relief and in some cases total remission to those suffering from a wide range of chronic health conditions.

If the thought of reprogramming your own brain sends you into a cold sweat – let me reassure you. No technical or surgical skills are required. In this article, I’ll give you an overview of DNRS brain retraining, its potential benefits for nervous system regulation, my personal experience with DNRS exercises, and cover some frequently asked questions.  

Understanding DNRS Therapy

At its core, the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (also referred to as DNRS therapy), is a holistic brain retraining program designed to address chronic health conditions, including those related to nervous system dysregulation. DNRS centers on the concept of neuroplasticity, the brain’s remarkable ability to rewire itself based on experiences, thoughts, and emotions.

DNRS Therapy and Nervous System Regulation

The potential benefits of DNRS are impressive, ranging from addressing conditions like chronic pain, multiple chemical sensitivities, fibromyalgia, long-covid, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).[*] One of the key aspects of DNRS therapy is its role in regulating the nervous system. By rewiring neural pathways, DNRS may help eliminate the body’s exaggerated responses to various triggers, creating a more resilient nervous system. Pretty good, huh?

The Mind Behind DNRS 

The mastermind behind DNRS is Annie Hopper, a Canadian researcher and neural plasticity enthusiast. Annie’s story is a familiar one. After overcoming her own struggles with chronic health issues, including severe multiple chemical sensitivities, Annie dedicated herself to understanding the brain’s capacity for healing. Annie’s extensive research and personal experiences laid the foundation for the development of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, and her first hand experience is testament to the power of the program.

The Mechanics of DNRS Brain Retraining

So how do you go about retraining your brain? DNRS utilizes an approach that combines neuroplasticity exercises, meditation, and cognitive techniques. The specialized DNRS exercises include activities that stimulate specific neural pathways, effectively rewiring their brain’s responses to triggers.[*] This process allows the brain to adapt and create healthier patterns of response.

Sound like magic? It certainly feels like it. Read on for my personal experience of the program.

Who Should Consider DNRS Therapy?

Anyone who suffers from chronic health conditions, including nervous system dysregulation, could potentially benefit from the program. Here’s a list of some of the conditions that DNRS has helped:

  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Multiple chemical sensitivity
  • IBS
  • Dysautonomia
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  • Chronic fatigue
  • PTSD

Check out this article for a comprehensive list of conditions.

Separating Fact from Fiction: Is DNRS Legit?

As with any innovative approach, scepticism is natural. So is DNRS legit? A growing number of success stories and studies provide substantial evidence of DNRS’s effectiveness.[*] While the critics may argue that DNRS lacks scientific validation, the inspiring anecdotal evidence of countless individuals can’t be ignored. As the scientific community continues to explore and validate the program’s effectiveness, many users have experienced substantial improvements in their health and quality of life through consistent DNRS practice – me included!

The Power of DNRS Exercises

Central to DNRS brain retraining are the DNRS exercises, designed to stimulate neural pathways. These exercises include:

  • Visualization
  • Movement
  • Cognitive techniques

These exercises are designed to rewire the brain so it responds differently to triggers and stressors.

Yes, you may feel a little silly and self-conscious when you start practicing the exercises. At times I looked like I were directing air traffic. But stick with it. It’s worth it.

And at the risk of sounding like your mum, regular practice of these DNRS exercises is essential for optimal results.

Does It Really Work? Insights from DNRS Reviews

The success stories of those who have undergone DNRS therapy are truly remarkable. Program participants have documented improvements in:

  • Sleep
  • Chronic pain
  • Sensory sensitivities
  • Food intolerances
  • Energy levels
  • Mood
  • Digestive issues
  • Memory problems

But this is only a snapshot. These DNRS reviews highlight the truly transformative power of the program.

Exploring online forums and platforms dedicated to DNRS can also provide you with a deeper insight into the program’s impact.

For my personal DNRS experience, keep reading.

Getting Started with DNRS Therapy

Embarking on your DNRS journey is simple. The program offers simple instructional video courses and comprehensive resources that guide you through the techniques and DNRS exercises. Once you have the basics nailed, you can easily integrate the practices into your daily routine.

Ready to get started? Jump into your DNRS journey today and experience the incredible benefits of brain retraining.

How Long Until I See Results?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer here. Some people will see results within a few days, others may take a few weeks. The important thing to remember is that your continued commitment is what will yield results.

How Much Does it Cost to Retrain Your Brain?

Investing in your health is invaluable, and DNRS is no exception. The cost of the program varies, encompassing options such as the online video workshops, optional group sessions, and personalized coaching. As with all healing protocols, the financial aspect can be a deal-breaker.

I personally found the investment in DNRS pretty small compared to the benefits. For full transparency, I only completed the instructional video course without the option of the group sessions or personal coaching.

My DNRS Review

At RegulateCo we are committed to sharing only tried and tested products and protocols with you. To give you a genuine taste of the DNRS program, here is my real-life experience.

Why I Started DNRS

I first discovered DNRS while browsing forums dedicated to those struggling with autoimmune issues and conditions relating to nervous system dysregulation. A decent number of people were discussing what a game-changer DNRS was for those battling food and chemical sensitivities. Both of these things were HUGE ongoing issues for me. The reviews were promising, and quite frankly I was prepared to try anything. I had already poured a considerable amount of money into my health journey, and DNRS didn’t seem any more costly than other avenues I had explored.

Initial thoughts

I enrolled in the program, and Annie’s personal journey immediately resonated with me. The program’s foundation presented the basics of neuroplasticity in a way anyone could understand. Grasping the mechanics of the program, was surprisingly enjoyable for someone who flunked biology.

The Exercises

The program gradually introduced the exercises and steps. Once I had nailed the routine, and came to terms with looking like I was directing traffic, I began practicing as often as I could. Typically, each exercise session lasted around 20 minutes. While the program recommends practicing for an hour a day, for six months, I couldn’t always find enough time. However, I committed to practicing for at least 40 minutes a day and did manage the full six months.

The Results

It took around a month of consistent practice before I noticed subtle yet significant changes. I no longer reacted as strongly to stimuli that previously overwhelmed me. It was as if my hyper-sensitive responses had been dialed down. I could enter a grocery store without feeling on the brink of passing out from the sensory overload of cleaning products, noise, and bright lights. I could introduce certain fragrances into my home without suffering from headaches. I could eat a few more foods without reacting. I became increasingly aware of my triggers, identified old thought patterns, and learned how to replace them. The more I practiced, the more these symptoms eased.

Engaging in the exercises started to bring me what I can only describe as a feeling of intense joy, and I often found myself experiencing moments of pure bliss during the guided sessions. This newfound happiness began to infiltrate my daily life, replacing negative thought patterns with positivity.

I ended up practicing for approximately eight months, occasionally returning to the exercises whenever I felt the need for a boost.

My biggest wins after 8 months were:

  • Improvement in food sensitivities
  • Improvement in sensitivities to fragrances and chemicals
  • Reduced light sensitivity
  • Reduced sound sensitivity
  • Increased awareness of my unhealthy thought patterns

Do I Recommend The Program?

If you are willing to commit to a consistent practice, this program may be an excellent choice for regulating your nervous system. Dedication and repetition are the keys to solidifying these life-changing transformations.

If you are looking to regulate your nervous system and a dedicated time commitment doesn’t feel realistic for you, we recommend starting with a wearable solution instead, such as the Apollo Neuro. This is a great option for those looking to kickstart their journey to regulation with minimal effort.

Additional Resources

Curious about DNRS but not ready to commit? We suggest reading Annie’s book ‘ Wired for Healing’, to get a deeper understanding of brain retraining.

The Dynamic Neural Retraining System may be a ground-breaking approach to regulating the nervous system through brain retraining.

Whether you’re seeking relief from unexplained pain, aiming to restore a healthier nervous system, or simply curious about unlocking the potential of your brain’s neuroplasticity, DNRS is an avenue worth pursuing.

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases made from our articles. We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.


  • Qiana Jaia - MPA, BSc Soc., RBT

    Qiana is a Registered Behavior Technician specializing in therapeutic interventions for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. She holds an MPA (Social Work Concentration) and is currently completing a Post-Grad Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis. She likes true crime, collecting random overheard conversation snippets, and carrying her dog around on her hip like a toddler.

  • Emma Clark, BA (Hons) - Author

    Emma Clark holds a BA (Hons). She cut her marketing teeth in the health and dieting niche before co-founding Regulate Co. She has an unhealthy obsession with Bon Jovi, aspires to own 1000 guinea pigs, and feels best in the sunshine with an ice cream in hand.


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Our website, resources, and advice are offered as guidance, drawing from our personal experiences and research, and reviewed by experts and medical professionals. However, they should never be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a qualified medical professional for any health-related concerns, symptoms, or conditions you may have.